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Help! My students won't speak!

August 14th 2024, 4.30pm UK time

Ri Willoughby & Melissa Lamb

Having students who won't speak is a common experience to all teachers. We ask the question - why aren't they speaking and is there something we can do about it? This practical workshop will present ways that IH London teachers have experimented to support our learners in their speaking and also in their silence. 

Ri and Mel both work as teachers and teacher trainers at IH London. They are both passionate about teacher development and supporting teachers and students in developing confidence and agency.

Let's talk about...

Each week we'll set a topic to discuss and have a very informal chat in three parts:
1. Question of the week
2. Let's talk about...(topic nominated by Teacher Portal)
3. Any questions about your classes, teaching, career advice, student management or just life in general. (Though we might not be able to answer the life questions, we'll give it a go.)

  Not sure what it'll be like? Take a sneak-peek inside   
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